LM Vintage Moka (replica) series of handbags

French brand Longchamp to celebrate its 60th anniversary, the grand launch of many historic LM handbag series, and held celebrations around the world! The launch of the commemorative series a total of five, including - the original material and design re-launched the LMVintageMoka (replica) series; remake of the revival of the 08 to meet the latest trend of the LMNoir (black) series and LMVerni Patent leather) series; as a solemn event, the brand also invited the famous Belgian artist Jean-Luc (Maurice) to work together to launch the world's limited edition of a thousand MoermanEdition (handbags) handbags and 60 unique tattoo designs MoermanOriginal (Moto original series) handbags, to celebrate Longchamp more than 60 birthday while opening a new fashion page! Today's Editor to show you the first LMVintageMoka (replica) series of handbags, so stay tuned after several other series of new releases!